
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bienvenue A La Tour Eiffel et Biographie

Bienvenue A La Tour Eiffel et la Ville Lumiere. This blog will be dedicated to the structure that is synonymous with Paris, the Eiffel Tower! Also known as the "Iron Lady". The thought of the tower evokes images of romance, progress into the modern world, and human ingenuity. It is the world's most loved monument attracting over 7 million visitors annually, and its a very popular place to propose to a future soul mate. However, the Eiffel Tower did not always live up to its worth of dignity, due to the fact that I learned Parisians labelled it a "tragic street lamp" meaning it ruined the city's low lying skyline, they accused its supposed uselessness and its threatened to be demolished three times during the 20th Century, luckily Parisian attitudes have changed for the positive towards this monument.

As the blogger, I will provide a bio of myself because I am your "tour guide" of this Eiffel Tower blog. You can call me Kyle Ventura. I was born on St. Patrick's Day (Friday, March 17, 1995) in Makati City, it is within the National Capital Region of the Philippines (Manila). My parents and I immigrated to Canada in November 2000 and first lived in Ottawa. Afterwards, we lived in Montreal, Toronto, Mississauga, and recently as of October 2014 we have relocated to Milton. In my childhood and adolescence I always had a curiosity of the various cultures that make the earth so colourful, with that it started my abundant desires to explore the world, Paris is a city I would like to make a visit because tourists love the monuments, cafes, and romantic vibe.

After High School Graduation in 2013, I set my life compass towards an education and career in the Tourism industry. Notification of acceptance in Sheridan College's "Tourism and Travel" Program came to me, and I started my studies on September 5, 2014. The education will be used as self-compass to search a industry-related profession that I truly want, it is more than just the stereotypical "Flight Attendant" or "Travel Agent" or "Tour Guide". Also, having a career in the tourism industry is people-oriented and it would be wonderful helping customers provide their travel needs and wants. There will be certain facts that are already about my personal knowledge of the Eiffel Tower after reading books and watching documentaries. Some facts will be foreign to me because I just learned it.